Our Vision
The Christian Bilingual University of Congo was established as a center part of a holistic and integrated development program with five others operating under the non-profit organization called Congo Initiative. Thus, the vision, mission and values of these different centers are those of the Congo Initiative organization under which they operate. Each center has specific objectives to achieve for the accomplishment of the mission and the materialization of Congo Initiative's vision.
Vision of Congo Initiative - UCBC (CI-UCBC)
CI-UCBC's vision is to train well-equipped Christians, men and women, for the transformation of their respective communities and the DRCongo nation.
Our Mission
CI-UCBC's mission is to create and develop an authentic, regenerated and shaped community of followers of Christ with the mission of transforming the society of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
While UCBC is committed to the total line of vision and values of the Congo Initiative, it has defined a mission that translates into pedagogical terms what the university intends to do in a practical way to form competent national executives to act as agents of transformation in society.
At the end of the training in various academic programs offered by the university, the UCBC finalists will be able to:
Identify the critical situations that arise in their field of training
Undertake investigative actions on the issues facing their communities, their nation and the world
Undertake and conduct critical research evaluations
Communicate effectively in English, French, and through the media
Integrate faith, character and academic excellence
Analyze the facts and formulate normative solutions to the problems of our environment and context
Our Core Values
Community Life
Offer opportunities for sharing spiritual experiences and practices and promote spiritual formation characterized by mentoring and discipleship (Retreats, Bible Camps ...)
Promoted as an environment of guidance and training for men and women agent of the kingdom of God, loving the fear of God but immersed in society
Environment offered for dialogue, interactive learning aiming to reconcile knowledge and practice in everyday life
Develop an integrated ministry, both personally and collectively, harmoniously combining thought, emotion and action, theology, politics and business