Service-Learning is the third component of the triad training organized at UCBC, after the Academy and the Work-Program.
During their formative years, students put the knowledge gained in the classroom and the skills acquired through work in the service of the community. This service allows students to define and understand their role as agents of social change and social justice.
Service-Learning at UCBC
The benefit of such a service integrated into the teaching methodology is twofold. Students increase their retention, and the community benefits from the students' expertise while they are still in training. Thus, students are prepared to be helpful executives that our society needs.
The Service Learning Program is a service-oriented initiative at UCBC that encourages students to serve the community while they are still studying. Projects include women's health, entrepreneurship, commercial strategies for local cocoa producers and drone-based geo-mapping.
Service Learning at UCBC is structured to integrate students into their community, and allows them to deeply participate in solving the problems of the community. The program also encourages entrepreneurship. Café Kivu, a recently opened cafe in Beni, is the result of a learning partnership.
Service-Learning Coordination
Service-Learning coordination is made up of the Service-Learning Coordinator and the trainee students from the 5 faculties. At the beginning of each academic year, the coordination recruits trainees in collaboration with faculty coordinations. Trainees serve as bridge between faculties and S-L coordination and participate in the planning, execution and reporting of Service-Learning projects.
Depending on the size of the project, Service-Learning offers teachers logistical support for the successful implementation of the project.
- Communication dans le processus de l’insertion sociale des victimes de violences sexuelles à Beni. Cas de la SOFEPADI BENI
- Analysis of the instruction medium at the Christian Bilingual University of Congo: a 2011-2013 case study, Revue de Recherche-Développement, 10 (2016) CRMD-Bunia
- Prise des décisions dans la communication familiale dans les ménages de Beni : de 2014 à 2016, Revue de Recherche-Développement, 11 (2017) Vol. 1, CRMD-Bunia
- Opinion de la population de Beni sur les massacres en ville et territoire de Beni : Théorie de la spirale de silence. Revue Shalom de Développement, (2017) Vol. 4, RSD-Bunia
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