Students and faculty at the Integrated Research Institute are committed to exploring new methodologies and approaches for social research that reflect the complex realities of Eastern Congo.
Instead of immediately trying to prescribe solutions to local problems, UCBC professors teach students, first, to listen to all stakeholders involved in a particular issue and then to logically analyze the information gathered from from the community.
It is from this listening posture that students then develop creative and unique solutions. Therefore, one of the main objectives of the Institute of Integrated Research is to promote a mutual exchange between the academy and the community, based on justice, ethics and respect of all actors.
Data collection tools
Data analysis tools
Other skills
Database design
Geo. Information System
Qualitative and quantitative research
Community Organization
Current projects
Sharing The Land
In 2014, several events took place in Beni due to dissatisfaction with existing land management mechanisms. This dissent prompted the Integrated Research Institute to learn more about the land conflicts in Beni and to create the Sharing The Land Center (STL) at the Bilingual Christian University of Congo.
Agribusiness: Coffee sector
The coffee sector in the DRC is one of the most important characteristics of the DRC's agro-food economy and coffee is Congo's largest agricultural export in terms of income and volume. With a favorable climate, soil and hydrography, the DRC has the environmental conditions to produce some of the best coffees in the world.
Clergy Health Project
Since September 2017, the Integrated Research Institute (IRI) has been overseeing research work on the health and welfare of clergy in the city of Beni. This work is conducted in collaboration with the Duke University of the United States of America, with Dr. David Eagle as principal investigator.
In this project, the focus is on assessing the prevalence and severity of physical, mental and chronic diseases among clergy as they, as community leaders, play a very important role in psycho-social and spiritual help. The study of their health is therefore important, especially since the quality of their health can influence their ministry and thus their contributions to the community.
Project Manager

Domaines d'expertise:
Leadership Transformationnel et Pastorale
Centres d'intérêt:
Reconcialiation et Consolidation de la Paix - Ecoute et Accompagnement - Discipolat
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