The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has reached a determining point in its history in 2006. For the first time since 40 years, the Congolese people voted freely and in transparency to elect a president of the republic to the contention of all. Nevertheless, the government, the society and the churches as well as the whole nation continue to face tremendous challenges to rebuild the country that is coming out of a long time of war and conflicts. For this fact, the president of the republic launched a plan centered on five pillars known as the “cinq chantiers” (the five “works”). This plan aims to restore five fundamental needs of the nation: infrastructure (roads, rails, bridges), job creation (through investment), education, water and electricity, and health.
It is in response to that call of the state’s head and for the reconstruction of our beautiful, wealthy and great country that UCBC was created on the initiative of the Professor David M. Kasali and his wife Associate Professor Kaswera Kasali. In fact, en August 2004, the Professor Kasali, determined to join his companions, resigned from his position as Rector of the Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology, NEGST in short, in Nairobi, Kenya, to stand by the sides of his compatriots, the Congolese in the effort to provide for a modern university education to the youth. The purpose of this effort is to throw (cast) the foundations of a future full of hope for the Congo as it will have well trained leaders on whom one can rely. The consultations started in 2004 resulted in 2005 in the organization of series of seminars for the awakening in churches, the mobilization and sensitization of all social layers so to facilitate to appropriate the vision.
In 2005, the 36-acre share of land that shelters today the main campus of the Christian Bilingual University of the Congo (UCBC) was bought to a land lord, a customary chief, at 7 km, North of the center of Beni city. In June 2006, the university opened its Language Institute for the teaching of English to all the social layers. In the meantime, seminars and consultations of awakening, mobilization and sensitization went on in the East of the country. En 2006, UCBC obtained its authorization to operate. In 2007, the university opened finally its doors in the first building on its main campus in Kipriani. The first class was the preparatory year applicable to every candidate willing to undertake his studentship at UCBC.
CI-UCBC aims the transformation of the Congolese society by offering new alternatives of ethical and Christian values communicated in a context of academic excellence, work and community-oriented service in bilingual environment. This is done in order to yield a integral change of the mind, the heart and the actions resulting. Thus the university serves at the same time as a center for discovery, conservation and spreading of knowledge and it is the core for a program of holistic and integrated development.
Legal documents
The Christian Bilingual University of the Congo operates supported by the following legal documents (ministerial orders), as recommended by the legislation in vigor in the country:
- Order No. 314/MINESU/CAB.MIN/FL/AB/2006, of 16 October 2006 on the Autorization of Operating of a Private Higher Education Institution named “Université Chrétienne Bilingue du Congo” UCBC in short;
- Order No. 078/MINESU/CAB.MIN.ESU/MML/KOB/2010 of 27 April 2010 on the approval to the Accreditation of some private Higher Education and University Institutions