Personnage principal de l'ouvrage This is For You: The Story of David Kasali and Congo Initiative
Welcome to the Congo Initiative Christian Bilingual University of the Congo (CI–UCBC)!
Our motto at UCBC is “Being Transformed to Transform.” This motto presents our vision and our vocation. We are called to be transformed agents to bring transformation into our communities and in our country the Democratic Republic of the Congo. As so well stated it the Peace Nobel Prize Laureate, Professor Wangari Maathai, the thing that has delayed Africa’s development and still delays it even today, has its roots in the lack of ethical principles of leadership. The leader is the expression of a certain number of values. His presence, or even absence, determines the course of facts and happenings in a society, and that does affect not only the actions but also the motivations of individuals and communities that make up the given society. Africa needs a revolution in the domain of leadership… a revolution that demands that its leaders not only prone and stand for honesty and transparency… but, even better, that it shall all be shown out through their behavior in their daily living. These ones must develop values like equity, justice, working for common welfare rather than closing eyes on violence and exploitation or promote selfish interests and opportunism. Perhaps the most important quality that the African leader should reflect and that the continent is really short of is the sense to be at the service of the African people.
Our mission at UCBC is to create a “revolution in the leadership”. We believe that our socio-economical challenges shall change if and only if we, Congolese Christians, learn to redefine Christianity in the intention of responding to problems of the everyday context of the Congolese citizen in a holistic way, and when the Congolese leaders will have thoroughly been prepared to lead with sincere love, lead by a clear vision and with integrity to heal the wounds that the national tissue, the Church and the Congolese society have suffered. At UCBC, we are determined to train and offer to Congo and to the Church indigenous leaders holding ethical and Christian principles, leaders whom, to cite Professor Maathai, “not only prone honesty and transparency… but they live these values in their everyday context.”
In brief, at UCBC we offer you a triadic training that integrates academic excellence with the Service-Learning and the Work Program. A training received in this context allows to finger and identify the challenges that our country is facing: inner war refugees, violence, injustice, rape, illicit exploitation of wealth and treasures of the country, poverty, etc. and bringing simple but sustainable solutions unto them. Are you one of our potential students or one of our eventual partners in the community or even one of our partners in the Church, do know and believe that UCBC belongs to you.
The Rector of CI–UCBC, Professor David M. Kasali, Ph.D.